Almost the

It’s already almost a new year!!! Where does time fly? We’ve just released our 54th (and last!) new item this year, already planning for the first releases of 2025… 2025 should be as busy as was 2024, though we are also planning a certain stock:catalogue reduction, as, with over 550 different products in our current catalogue, we are starting to have storage issues and could end up with complicated production issues. So do not be surprised if some items disappear from our ranges! This would not necessarily mean a final retirement of those particular items, re-relesing them would be conditional to demand and opportunity (like the re-release of a particular plastic kit). And plenty of notice will be given, allowing people to stock up if necessary.
Our latest releases, those bananaaa! bookmarks, are… not what our usual customers are used to, they were just ‘a bit of fun’ for us and still might interest a few people out there. We will see how positive is your response! Let us remind you that the X-mas bookmark will be offered free of charge to anyone ordering over 30 euros of goods (postage thus not included in the 30 euros) throughout December 2024. A neat stocking filler item, we feel!
So, what can we expect in 2025 from RetrokiT? It is likely that most of our new releases will have to do with our 1/144 aircraft range (Mirage 2000 and A-10 two seater conversion kits and early P-51 conversion kits coming to mind), but the recent successes achieved by our 1/72 ‘light aviation’ sets make us keen to develop this range further! A few 1/100 aircraft sets should be expected too, possibly with our first conversion kits in this scale. Bananaaas! will remain a stapple food in our RetroSF range, for sure, though other SF/F items are in the planning stages. New aircraft and AFV ‘chibi’ detail and conversion kits/sets should be released too during 2025, mostly driven by the recent and continuing releases of new plastic kits. No plan as yet for our 1/35 AFV range, and, so far, just a few ideas for our 1/72 AFV range, nothing definite just yet.
Our 2025 show calendar is being worked on. Nothing like pre-Covid times, but we will still be appearing here and there throughout the year in various European countries.
OK, this is all for now, Folks. Despite the grim news and world in which we live in, have a wonderful ‘end of the year’ time! And above all, keep on scale modelling!