August brings the annual show in Mons, Belgium one of our favourites haunts, a two-day extravaganza bringing together various facets of our hobby, from R/C ships to drones to wargaming to train modelling and of course to static scale modelling. It’s a very convivial affair, a real family show with lots of public participation, do visit it, you will not be disappointed. Easy acces, plenty of free parking and free entrance too.
August also bring us the 1/144 E-2C Hawkeye sets, old (but re-designed) and brand new; we had aimed to release those sets earlier, but sh.. happened, as it does, and the sets are thus being released a bit late… Please accept our apologies! Also being released this month are two brand new Bananaaas! and two more that have been OOP for a long time.
With this in mind, keep on scale modelling, Folks!