The latest 1/144 RetroWings detail sets are out now! A long-awaited cockpit for the more recent Revell Panavia Tornado kits, and cockpits for the Brengun He-162 and Ho-229A kits join our still growing 1/144 range, to be following next month (April 2021) by the F-105 two-seater conversion kit for the (much) older Otaki kit (many times re-issued by the likes of Arii and Revell to name but two).
Note that our P-39 cockpit detail set and our Land-Rover Series 3 are still very new in that range too!
Also out next month are our next 1/100 aircraft detail sets, F-105 Thunderchief and A-7 Corsair II and a ‘correction’ kit for the Meng World War Toons Churchill Tank. Some new RetroSF items should follow soon after that, in particular our Cargo Bay detail set for the superb 1/144 Bandai AT-AT. As always, you can follow the making of our latest patterns and be updated about our latest releases by visiting our Facebook page.
That’s all for now, Folks! Be safe & keep scale modelling!