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We hear you!

We are indeed busy getting ready for our first few shows of the new ‘season’, hence the arrival of a few new items in our catalogue, the first of this new year, including some bits to hang under your 1/144 Rafales (amongst other types) and a slightly ‘different’ but nonetheless interesting item for lovers of the famed Phantom II jet plane, our first ‘version’ of the F-4 mascot, The Spook.

This first version will certainly interest those who are interested in the Luftwaffe too, and is the fruit of a ‘commission’ from one of our customers.  Going through our website, you will certainly notice that we are not particularly focused onto a particular theme (albeit some themes are more represented than others, we will grant you this), and we do like to release what we like.  But we also like to listen to our clients and a number of releases each year are in fact based upon specific requests from you, our clients.  We are currently developing a 1/72 Autocar U-8144-T kit, due to be released in June this year, following the same ‘princple’.  We hope you will like our Teutonic Spook; it was certainly entertaining to take on the project and turn in into a kit.  More Spooks are being ‘investigated’ and time will tell whether this becomes one of our many ‘series’…

Happy modelling, Folks!

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New RetroTracks kits announced!

As promised we have now added four new future ‘hardware’ references to our 1/35 and 1/72 RetroTracks catalogue.  The T13 Type 3, never released in this scale ever before is to meet the numerous demands from our customers for this particular vehicle, which after all, was the most common AFV in service in Belgium in May 1940…  The JPK90 kit is more of a commission from a retired Belgian army JPK90 driver, but we know from our experience with the 1/72 kit of this AFV we released a few years ago, that this will be another best-seller too.  To this we can add a further two new 1/35 figures and in time we will also reveal the nature of some 1/35 accessory packs that will complement our other 1/35 releases.  We are set to release the three new 1/72 RetroTracks kits later this month (Berliet GPE4, Lorraine 28-1 Command Car and Citroën P104), and we thus plan to release at least another two kits during 2019, including a brand new Belgian T13 Type 1 / Type 2 kit that benefits from all the research that went into its larger 1/35 brother released in 2018, and an Autocar U-8144-T that should be followed in time by a semi-trailer and a pontoon.

Amateurs of our Chibi RetroTracks range do not despair, we are also thinking of you and the next set of releases is due in for late February 2019..!

Updates about of other ranges will follow shortly!

In the meantime, Happy New Year, Trackheads of the World!


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Bring in 2019!

Another year passes by…  RetrokiT’s 12th year of existence (as it stands today; RetrokiT was actually founded in 2015) should be an interesting one.  We will start with quite a lot of new items being added in our catalogue, not least three new 1/72 AFV kits (there is still time to place an early order and benefit from a special ‘pre-order price’).  There are about fifteen 1/144 aircraft sets, some SW stuff and a handful of new Bananaaas! awaiting caster’s time too.  Plus a few odd things for good measure!  Plans for further 1/35 Belgian AFVs and figures are gathering pace and we will announce what those will be shortly after New Year’s Day.  A new range is about to be born too…  And our show calendar is quickly filling in with exciting events and travels.

We look forward to seeing and/or hearing from you in 2019.  In the meantime, have a great holiday season!


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Winding down 2018

We are now past Scale Model Challenge, with only a small handful of shows left to attend to before the New Year.  We’ll first be off to France, in Alsace, then in Belgium for our second participation to the ‘Caméléons’ show in Fleurus, then will be in London for the Guideline Publications’ Plastic Model Show early December.

Our provisional show schedule for 2019 is already online, there will be changes, no doubt, but it’s looking like an interesting year with several new shows and a few ‘big ones’ like Vienna, Moson, and Brno just for the first half of the year.

We took the opportunity in 2018 to establish ourselves into another ‘niche’, that of the ‘Egged Tank’, and it has paid off, not only in terms of sales, but also in terms of pure fun, and maybe more importantly for some, with the return of our 1/72 AFV range, and even new kits and figures in our 1/35 AFV range.  The Belgian JPK is likely to be our next 1/35 venture, while three new 1/72 AFV kits are due to be released in late January already, and few more also planned for later in the year.  As Meng is still releasing new World War Toons kits, we are also very likely to continue expanding our range of cartoonish conversion kits.

The 1/144 and 1/100 aircraft scenes have seen fewer (than usual) RetroWings new releases this year (please blame Meng’s World War Toons releases for that!) but we have about 15 new 1/144 and a couple of 1/100 detail or conversion sets awaiting casting, and several more in the making.  And our long-awaited 1/144 MiG-21 ‘Analog’ conversion kit is now out!

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With Scale Model Challenge, held in the Netherlands in late October, we almost reach the end of the 2018 show season.  It’s been a pretty interesting year in terms of shows, we have visited several new places, reached new audiences, and we have learned many things too.  2019 promises to be as varied, and we are looking forward to trying out another handful of new shows, while our ‘highlights’ are likely to be the IPMS Austria National Convention in Vienna, MosonShow in Hungary, Brno in the Czech Republic plus the IPMS Belgium National Convention and SMC again in October.  With the revival of our RetroTracks range, we are planning to visit On Track in Folkestone in February and a further UK visit is planned for March with the Southern Expo.  Time will tell (in fact we may know in a couple of days already as we are writing just ahead of the crucial EU-UK meeting of the 17th of October) whether further UK visits will be on the menu past the Southern Expo…  Customs fees, long waiting times at the ports, probable chaos on the M20 and A2 in Kent will be, unfortunately, strong points against crossing the Channel.

More positively, we will soon be releasing our long-awaited 1/144 MiG-21 Analog (conversion kit with decals), and the Schmalturm turret for the World War Toons Panther kit.  Lots of further 1/144 sets are in the making or being cast but this will be, in terms of release, for later this year and early 2019 already!   Keep up to date by visiting our Facebook page where we present pictures of patterns in the making, and tips about future releases!

Happy scale modelling, Folks!

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Busiest Time of the Year!

We’ve entered the busiest time of the year, show-wise that is.  Nine shows left before the end of the year, including eight over the next eight weeks.  This will take us to the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France and the UK.  And we are hoping that politicians get their fingers out of their a…. as Breixit looms, a hard one at that, as this will potentially have serious consequences for us, least of all our attendance at shows in the UK post 29 March 2019, which may go down to… zero show.  We have two shows in the UK this year, in St Ives (IPMS Brampton) at the end of September and in London in early December.  As things stand right now, the Southern Expo (IPMS Hornchurch) in March might well be our last attendance at a UK show, which would be a shame really…

Let’s hope sense prevails!

Anyway, we’re now off to Breda in the Netherlands to present, in particular, our latest World War Toons endeavours!  We hope to see you there!

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Another World War Toons item!

It’s been a long time in coming, but Victor is finally here!  Victor is the companion to our earlier Un-dead Bride bust; the happy (!?) couple can at last be re-united for your painting pleasure!

Also new is our M4A1(76)W conversion kit for the still sooooooo cute Meng ‘World War Toons’ Sherman M4A1 kit.  And with yet more World War Toons tanks being released or announced (Somua S35, Pz 38(t), Pershing, Stuart,..), we have enough work for the next two decades, we think..!   Fun has come back to scale modelling!  Enjoy!

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End of the year already in sight!

With the late August model shows in Mons, Belgium and Mulheim-Karlich in Germany comes the countdown to the big ‘end of the year’ shows such as Plastic & Steel and Scale Model Challenge…  We are working hard to add on onto our existing catalogue in time for those shows, and this includes the latest batch of ‘World War Toons’ add-ons and conversion kits.  Our re-launched 1/72 AFV range is doing well, and despite a slightly postponed release of the Belgian Mk.VI tankette and of the AEC Regal Clubmobile due to some technical issues, we are back in track and have just announced the next three releases (four, if taking into account the Brossel 780B TAL kit we have acquired from AFV+ and plan to re-release shortly), due out late January 2019: the Lorraine 28-1 command vehicle, the rare Citroën-Kegresse P104 armoured car and the rather larger Berliet GPE4 tank transporter, all of which are already available on pre-order at special prices.

All those AFVs have meant that we have had less time than usual for of other ranges, but rest assured that more RetroSF and RetroWings stuff is coming, very soon too..!

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New push for the 1/72 RetroTracks range!

As we are shipping our latest two 1/72 RetroTracks items, the VCL Mk.VI/47mm FRC and the AEC Regal Clubmobile, we can now unveil the nature of our next 1/72 AFV kits.

We plan to release not two, but three new kits at the end of January 2019 and those will be, just like the previous kits, available on a pre-order basis via the RetrokiT website.  The three kits are: Lorraine 28-1 Command Car, Berliet GPE Tank Transporter and the diminutive Citroën P104 half-track.  All three are available from the RetrokiT website at a special ‘pre-order’ price from now until the 27th of January 2019, date after which the regular retail price will be applied and production will from then on strictly meet online orders, also meaning a slight delay before shipping.

In the meantime, we are also very pleased to add the beautiful AFV+ Brossel 780B TAL to our 1/72 RetroTracks range.  AFV+ have unfortunately stopped producing patterns but this change of label means this kit will remain available for the forseeable future

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We will soon be attending to our first dedicated ‘Military Model Show’ in years..!  Meng’s World War Toons kits certainly have been a hit with us, and we are busy adding to this new range of conversion kits for them…  It’s hard to stop because with subjects like the Sherman, the T-34, the Pz III,..  there are soooooooo many good ways of developing the ‘lighter’ side of the hobby.

WWT is not everyone’s cup of tea, of course, and our conversions are maybe not what or how some modellers would have seen them.  It’s difficult to please everyone, but we are not trying to please everyone and our creations, we feel, must keep an ‘air of WWT’ and above all reflect the individual preferences of our pattern-makers.  All in all, we must say the range is a success so far, and therefore, expect a lot more from us over the coming months.

Speaking of ‘tanks’, work on the Belgian Mk.VI/C.47 FRC and the AEC Regal Clubmobile is going well and it is still planned to release both kits late June – early July as planned.  You can follow the making of those patterns on our Facebook page.

Back to this ‘Tank’ show then.  It’s being organised by a good friend of ours, John, of Paper Panzer Productions and is being held in a little known, but very interesting part of the Belgian army museum in the outskirts of Antwerp, Belgium.  We will only offer ‘AFV’ related products (with a few Bananaaas! of course!), so pre-order via e-mail if you want us to bring you aircraft or non-AFV-related SF/F stuff!

Happy modelling!