Into this summer of ’24, we are still, here in any case, waiting for some warm and dry weather.. Not many chances of enjoying ourselves outside, so we keep working on the design of yet more patterns for future releases. And we take some time to build a few models ‘just for fun’ too..!
Anyway, we are slowly getting ready for our next show, in Mons, Belgium, during mid-August. If you haven’t attended to this show yet, try to come along, it is a very friendly show for the whole family, featuring many ‘sides’ of our hobby, including wargaming and R/C modelling. And Mons, the town and its area, has a lot to offer too for all visitors. And of course, come and say ‘Hello!’ at the RetrokiT stand..!
We have just released yet more ‘Chibi’ cockpit detail sets, this time for the Freedom and AFVClub single-seater F-16 kits. We are already at work on more of those sets for the latest Chibi releases, it’s actually hard to keep up with all those new kits!
Our 1/144 E-2C sets are being cast as we write, they should be out very soon, while new Bananaaas are on their way to the casters for release in Mons, as it happens.
Despite the weather, keep on scale modelling, Folks!