We are indeed busy getting ready for our first few shows of the new ‘season’, hence the arrival of a few new items in our catalogue, the first of this new year, including some bits to hang under your 1/144 Rafales (amongst other types) and a slightly ‘different’ but nonetheless interesting item for lovers of the famed Phantom II jet plane, our first ‘version’ of the F-4 mascot, The Spook.
This first version will certainly interest those who are interested in the Luftwaffe too, and is the fruit of a ‘commission’ from one of our customers. Going through our website, you will certainly notice that we are not particularly focused onto a particular theme (albeit some themes are more represented than others, we will grant you this), and we do like to release what we like. But we also like to listen to our clients and a number of releases each year are in fact based upon specific requests from you, our clients. We are currently developing a 1/72 Autocar U-8144-T kit, due to be released in June this year, following the same ‘princple’. We hope you will like our Teutonic Spook; it was certainly entertaining to take on the project and turn in into a kit. More Spooks are being ‘investigated’ and time will tell whether this becomes one of our many ‘series’…
Happy modelling, Folks!