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2022 is here!

Back at work after a few weeks during which little could be done. Life does not always compute well with scale modelling, at least scale modelling 24/7, and some sort of a compromise had to be reached!

Nevertheless, new items coming are coming out early this New Year, along with a handful of re-releases. There are a lots of masters awaiting behind, 2022 should be a positive year, even if Covid & Co. are not allowing us the freedom we used to have pre-2020.

If Covid allows, we do plan to attend to a handful of shows during the New Year, but it won’t be to the level of 25 to 30 shows a year as ‘before’ for sure. In the meantime, we at RetrokiT wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Thank you for your support, and keep on scale modelling!