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Stampe Conversion Kit..!

With the release of the 1/72 Azur/Fromm Stampe SV.4 kits, comes the opportunity to model another player of the third Indiana Jones movie, the biplane in which both Dr.Jones escape from the Nazi Germany-bound Zeppelin..!  Here is an early shot of some of the modified Azur/Fromm parts (including the wing that has not been converted yet) that will make up this forthcoming RetroSF conversion kit.  Decals will be included.  Estimated release date is early- to mid-September 2015, possibly in time for the International Small Scale Convention in Heiden, Germany.

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The shape of things to come…

A little preview of something that will hit this website and shows later this year..  Still quite a bit of work to complete this new pattern, but we are hoping to show it off almost finished at Smallspace 4 this coming Sunday..

You can follow the completion of this build on our Facebook page..!



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Smallspace 4

Next show for RetrokiT is Smallspace 4, in Hanslope, nr. Milton Keynes, UK.  This is our fourth participation to this epic SF/F event, the occasion to meet up with a few old friends, meet new ones and hopefully, release a few new ‘yellow helpers’..!  The date is Sunday 12 July, from 9am.

Smallspace 4

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Little setback..

Aaargh!  The planned release of three new ‘yellow helpers’ this month is postponed until probably August due to caster’s health reasons..  There are times when I think the casting should be done in-house, but then I remember I would not have the time to enjoy myself with the making of new patterns..  Outsourcing some aspects of the business made sense 8 years ago, and I think it still makes sense nowadays, even if little setbacks do prop up time to time.  Anyway, work on new patterns is going well and our ‘to be cast’ list grows longer and longer with (along with quite a few other ‘yellow helpers’), a Rufe Egg Plane conversion kit, a 1/200 Boeing 717, and 1/144 bits for Intruder (due out later this month!), Vigilante, Stratojet, Jaguar, Delta Dart and soon to join the list, early Stratofortress.

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Bananaaa Day!

To celebrate the release of our latest yellow friend, Superbananaaa!, we are, for just one day, Friday 29 May 2015, lowering the price to all those yellow helpers to just €5.99 each..!  Get them while you can!

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Middelkerke Show

RetrokiT were, as usual, trading at this very friendly show on the Belgian coast on Sunday 17 May, and we were very honoured to be given the task of selecting the Best of Show from the competition entries..!  We were also offering a special prize for a model built by a Junior modeller and this went to a 9 year old boy from the organising club for a nice ‘Tintin’ diorama.

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Dublin Show

RetrokiT were the proud ‘sponsors’ of two competition classes at the recent IMSS show held in Dublin, Ireland, and we are glad to announce that Marta Slusarska, from Poland, won a $30 voucher for her entry ‘Captain Sapo’, in the SF Class, while Mark Keogh, of Ireland, got a similar prize for his ‘B-2 Spirit’ in the 1/144 Aircraft Class.  Well done!  RetrokiT are aiming to trade at the IMSS show in 2016.