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Next Stop: Scale Model Challenge

Our next big show is coming up real soon, Scale Model Challenge in Veldhoven, the Netherlands.  The RetrokiT stand will be ‘different’ this time, with an emphasis placed upon Gundam and Maschinen Kreiger kits (including accessories and figures!).  We welcome pre-orders for any RetroSF, RetroWings and RetroTracks items as those will not be available ‘off the shelf’ at SMC 2016.  And we are offering 5% off on all SMC pre-orders placed through our e-mail address (  Pass on the message!

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First complete 1/72 aircraft kit!

Fans of the ‘Caped Crusader’ rejoice, the subject of our very fist complete 1/72 aircraft kit is an early WWII-era bat-winged aircraft..!  This resin kit includes a detailed cockpit interior, separate moving surfaces and injected plastic clear parts (courtesy of our good friends at AZ Model).  It is quite a sizeable model with a span of 17cm and a length of 14cm.   Colour-wise, it’s all good as long as it’s black!

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Egg Plane Sale!

It’s high time to get your eggs out, or give them a go if you have not done so before..!  For a dozen days only, we are offering any three RetroWings Egg Plane items for the price of two. This offer is only available online, on orders placed between the 5th and the 17th of September.  The price of the cheaper item will be refunded through PayPal once the order has been dispatched.

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Heiden, here we come.. back..!

This will be our last trip to Heiden, Germany, on 10th of September, to take part in the popular International Small Scale Convention.  From 2017, this show is being combined with the Euro Model Expo in a larger hall a little bit further North, in Lingen, Germany, and will take place on 25 & 26 March.

The following day, Sunday September the 11th, we will be in Mol, Belgium, for another important scale model show of the season, the Scaleworld event organised by KMK.



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End of an era.

We had been talking about it for a while and a final decision has now been taken. The 1/72 RetroTracks range is now being discontinued for good. Part of the range had already been passed over to Tas Models and MBM Models (both based in the Netherlands), and the last 14 kits have now been handed over to MBM Models, who will in time restart production and carry those kits under their labels. The reasons for this are numerous, some not so nice to talk about, some far more positive and we will focus on the latter, basically leaving us more time to develop yet more RetroWings and RetroSF products. Obviously, any remaining back orders will be met and dealt with as soon as possible, and we also hope MBM Models are able to re-start production quickly to avoid any lasting disappointments! Beware though that illegal copies of certain RetroTracks kits are being sold from Eastern Europe and we can only ask modellers to stay away from those kits, as purchasing those illegal (and inferior, as cast from actual resin kits rather than from original RetroTracks patterns) copies only makes life harder for those who legally obtained the patterns and who will be kind enough to re-start the production line… We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our friends and clients who have helped and supported us in our 1/72 AFV endeavours for over 11 years now..!

So on to other things now and we are very happy to offer you from today our latest two Egg Plane complete kits, the Airbus A340 and A330. The Hasegawa Jumbo Jet Egg Plane was always in our eyes a very cute but very lonely kit and it is now joined by two other ‘jumbos’ of the airline industry. Those two new RetroWings producs should soon be joined by a Concorde Egg Plane kit too..! Stay tuned as we have a few more new goodies to present you over the next few days…

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The holidays are over!

With the Air-Terre-Mer show in Mons, Belgium, on 20 & 21 August, ends the usual half-year ‘break’ in our show season. The break was shorter than usual, since we attended to the Duchkov Model Show in the Czech Republic over the last week end of July, but never mind, we are nevertheless pleased to go back into action. Heiden, Mol, Fréthun, Veldhoven, Affligem, Dieppe, Telford, London and Putte will at the very least follow Mons in our show calendar before the year is over, though a couple of other shows are still ‘being investigated’ too… This little break has been useful in many ways, including in the making of yet more new patterns that will appear, as resin kits, later this year. Mons could see the arrival of a few new items in the catalogue, but our aim is mostly to display a few of our latest creations there, creations that you will find at shows and in those pages soon afterwards. In the meantime, keep on scale modelling!

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Na zdraví!

Greatly enjoyed the Duchkov Model Show and our visit to AZ Model / Kovozavody Prostejov’s HQ in Prague..! It was a pleasure to spend the week end with AZ Model / KP’s boss Petr Muzikent, his right hand Jan Polc, Duchkov Model Show organiser Pavel Sipka and Zdeněk Laurent, head judge at the Duchkov Model Show competition and, important detail, owner of the Duchkov’s Victoria Bar where we had quite a few..! We plan to get more involved with AZ Model / KP and the 2017 Duchkov Model Show. Watch this space!

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Duchkov, here we come!

Our next show is coming up, this time we’ll be travelling to the Czech Republic for the first edition of the Duchkov Model Show… Come & join us if you can! The summer is a relative ‘down’ time for RetrokiT and for the release of new items but we may have a few new Egg Plane items ready in time for the end of July, depending on how fast the casters can work. We’re expecting the complete kits of the Airbus A330 and A340 (about time the Hasegawa Jumbo Jet Egg Plane gets some company, don’t you think?!), along with the long-awaited cockpit detail sets for the Japanese F-2 and the Phantom II. The Hasegawa Phantom II Egg Plane is also getting no less than 3 sets of differing, detailled, exhaust cans..! We’re now busy working on the patterns for the items we’ll be releasing towards the end of the year, around Telford-time. In between, we expect a few other items to be released including the 1/72 1941 Batplane..! Happy summer holidays!

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SmallSpace 5

Our annual trip to the friendliest SF/F show on this planet is just about upon us!  Come & join us!  Along with the latest Bananaaas! and the rest of our RetroSF catalogue, we’ll also carry some very interesting Gundam goodies..!

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New Decals!

We are now carrying a selection of 1/144 decal sheets from Polish company Shelf Oddity.  Our first sets includes original markings for the Spitfires, F-14 Tomcats and F-15 Eagles.