Our next pit stop is in Compiègne, France, on 12-13 May 2018. This gives us a bit of time to recoup after a busy month of April..! Not that we can go on holidays just yet, as there are patterns to check one last time before being sent to casters, there are more patterns to complete, and of course new projects, suggestions and ideas to investigate and research. No rest for the wicked!
Category: Uncategorized
Going North!
We’re off to Scotland for the IPMS Scotland Nationals, where we’ll be proud to show off our latest releases (check out our Facebook page for the latest info).
Small break!
It’s been a cracking month of March, with 4 shows in as many week ends, and some exciting new releases, including our 1/35 Belgian T.13 Type 1 / Type 2 kit. We are going to lie a bit lower now for three weeks, Easter and face-painting jobs are calling, but we are also planning for a number of new releases to hit this website on or around the 22nd of April, in time for our next two shows, first in Tienen, Belgium (22/4) and then Perth in Scotland (28-29/4). Lots of new 1/144 stuff coming in, and a handful of new Bananaaas!, a WWT KV-1 Ekranami turret and for those who have the Cartoon Miniatures’ Leon figure, little Mathilda to accompany the Cleaner.
Happy Easter (great time to start an Egg, Folks!) and Happy Scale Modelling!
Next stop Hoboken.
We will be presenting our new 1/35 T.13 Type 1 / Type 2 for the first time in Belgium this Saturday in Hoboken, near Antwerp.
Our next stop is in Vienna, Austria, for our first participation to the ‘Go Modelling’ show. This will be the stage for the release of our latest 1/35 RetroTracks kit, the Belgian T13 Type 1 / Type 2. This is our first new release in this range in a few years, as we were busy setting up other ranges, at least that’s what we use as an excuse, but we are glad to say we are planning another Belgian 1/35 AFV kit for the 50th anniversary of IPMS Belgium in early October 2018. Who ever said RetroTracks was finished, huh??!
We are also releasing in Vienna our latest 1/144 offering, the rare Me-262 A-2a/U2, as a conversion kit for the nice Eduard kit. Meanwhile, our casters are busy getting the next batch of new items ready for April and May, and work continues on a dozen or so other projects for the later part of 2018… No rest for the wicked.
Yet another 1/72 RetroTracks kit announced!
Following closely behind the Belgian Mk.VI self-propelled anti-tank gun kit that will be released at the end of June 2018, we are proud to announce the ‘follow-up’ kit that will be released mid-July 2018. The AEC Regal-based American Red Cross Clubmobile that roamed Britain from 1942 until 1944. We remind everyone that both kits will be a limited production run kits, to be pre-ordered before June 15, 2018 for the Mk.VI, and June 29, 2018 for the Clubmobile . The Clubmobile kit will include interior details, its female crew and decals. Orders are accepted from today. Production will cease after June 2018 (Mk.VI) and July 2018 (Clubmobile).
And the next 1/72 RetroTracks kit is…
… the curious, diminutive but innovative V.C.L. Mk.VI/47mm SA-RFC used by the Belgian army between 1932 and 1940. As with the previous two recent 1/72 RetroTracks releases, this will be a limited production run kit, to be pre-ordered before June 15, 2018. Shipping is expected to take place around June 25, 2018. Orders are accepted from today. Production will cease after June 2018.
After our first big show of the year in Belgium, we are already getting ready for a very busy month of March that will see us visiting four shows in four countries.. The big piece of news is going to be the release of our latest 1/35 AFV kit, scheduled for the 10th of March in Vienna, Austria, but we are planning a few other smaller releases for all those shows. So stay tuned! And if you can, join us in Thionville, France early March..!
2018 Show Season underway!
We start off the new year’ show season with a bang so-to-speak, since our hosts, the Félés (the Crazies!!) organise the first BIG show of the year, each year in a small town near Charleroi, in Belgium. A great show, with a certain emphasis on figures, but well attended with clubs, traders and visitors coming from many European countries. Well worth the visit, don’t let the grim February Belgian weather dissuade you!
This will be our first outing in a while (our last show was in the UK early December), and the first outing for over 20 new products we have released since the beginning of the new year. The show also marks the release of 4 new decal sheets, one for our new 1/100 aircraft range and three for the Tiger Model Cute Series kits. Those are our first efforts in terms of decals for those two ranges, and we have several more in preparation. This show also marks the end of the road for our two limited edition 1/72 AFV kits, the Belgian Ford/Marmon-Herrington and the Breda 501. A few left-over kits will be offered first-come, first-serve basis at the show, but, basically, production has now ended and we wish to thank all those who pre-ordered the kits and let them know their parcels are on their way! We will soon announce the nature of the next two limited edition 1/72 AFV kits on our FB page and here, of course.
New RetroWings Range!
At long last, here it is, the start of the 1/100 RetroWings range! Five sets offering cockpit enhancements for the Tamiya Saab 35, Me-163, Me-262, BAC Lightning and Mirage IIIC set us off into a place where few (if any!?) have ventured before! Those old Tamiya kits are, all in all, very nice (some nicer than others, granted), several are still in the Tamiya catalogue, dirt cheap, and most others, if not all, can still be found second-hand for often very decent prices. We aim to release a few more sets covering other Tamiya kits, but will in due time move on to other manufacturers, as a lot of aircraft and ‘copters have, surprisingly, been offered at one time or another in this scale… If RetrokiT are going to deal with detail sets and conversion kits for 1/100 scale models, what about markings, we hear!? Well, rest assured that we have thought of that too and our first 1/100 decal sheet should be out early February 2018..!
Along with those five new 1/100 sets, we are also releasing today four more detail sets in 1/144. More conversion kits for the World War Toons caricatures are to be added shortly too.. Watch this space!