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T34s and Belgian Beers…

We are already going back to France this coming Saturday, this time near Lille, after a very nice week end spent in Compiègne.  We hope to unveil a couple of new items in Beuvry-la-Forêt, including a T34/85 turret for the World War Toons T34 kit.  This series of Meng kits is proving to be pretty popular and we are having a ball designing conversion kits and adds-on for those little gems…  More Sherman and T34 bits are in the making.   But more ‘serious’ work is also underway with the next two 1/72 RetroTracks kits (or patterns, rather) being designed, along with more 1/144 aircraft items.

Although the Beuvry show is a two-day affair, we will only be present at that show on the first day, as we are expected in Middelkerke, Belgium, on Sunday.  There, we look forward to seeing again a few good friends and sample a rather rare and pretty amazing Belgian beer..!  There will not be enough for everyone, so come early…, and stop by the RetrokiT stand while you are there!