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Shows at last?

The end of August should hopefully see us returning to trading at scale model shows. It’s been a long time since the last one we attended to (February 2020..!), let’s hope the few scheduled for the end of 2021 are not going to be cancelled, because we are really looking forward to seeing old friends again and share a couple or more drinks with each of them…

We are starting off with a show in Huy, Belgium, on the 28th of August. Three weeks later we will again be in Belgium, in Mol this time for the KMK show and although SMC had to be cancelled for 2021, we will have a final outing, still in Belgium, in Fleurus in November. The way things progress (or not) with the on-going Covid crisis will dictate how many shows we attend to in 2022, but it’s very likely to be far less than the 25 to 30 shows we did prior Covid.

We are pleased to finally release our (so far!) largest World war Toons conversion set, the Artilleriewagen S.SP.Pz; Meng’s contribution will be small, just the turret of a Pz III, but if you have used our conversion kits before, you might have that readily in stock..!

September (possibly late August) will see the release of 2 new World War Toons conversion kits, three new 1/144 aircraft detail sets, one RetroSF ‘SW’ set and four re-releases (sets that were out of production but that we are putting back in production).

Lots more scheduled for the last three months of the year but let’s not get too excited!

In the meantime, keep on scale modelling, Folks!