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Where does time fly??

Wow! End of May 2020 already, this year appears to fly by real quick. At this rate, we’ll soon be on the roads again, even if our schedule is rather light this year comparing to the pre-Covid years. Our first stop will be Mons, in Belgium in August, a really good show bringing in the whole array of scale modelling genres, a great outing for the whole family. RetrokiT is at the moment only scheduled to have a stand on the Sunday, but things might change and pre-orders can be picked up on the Saturday too. Details to follow.

Our new releases keep coming in (we had been VERY busy designing new patterns during the various confinements of the past two years!), new Bananaaas!, new 1/144 aircraft conversions and detail sets in particular. Lots of re-releases too, old sets that had been out of production for a while (a long while for some!!) are coming back, including the Egg Drone D-21 for the Blackbird Egg plane and the 1/144 MiG21I Analog conversion kit. We have plenty more coming in over the second half of 2022: 1/144 C-130 cockpit detail set and Mirage F.1B conversion kit, Sherman Ambutank conversion kit (Chibi), Kubelwagen (Chibi), a revised F-4 cockpit Detail Set (Chibi), the 1/144 MiG-25 two-seater conversion kit (re-release) and some more SW bits to name but a few.

So, keep coming over those pages to check our progress and remind yourself that we give a lot more info on our new patterns, new and forthcoming releases on our Facebook page.

And as always, keep on scale modelling, Folks!