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Summer break?

Two more items join the RetroTracks Chibi catalogue today, with the Medium Tank M3 Conversion Kit and associated early-style boogies and road wheels. This range has grown very rapidly and we now have about 50 conversions available, to fit most ‘World War Toons’ kits so far released by Meng. We have a few more coming up but we will take a small break during July when we expect no new release, or nothing major in any case, but work continues on new patterns for the future.

The show in Mons, Belgium, mid- to late-August, should see us release a few new items and we still have plenty other new releases and some re-releases planned for the rest of the year.

So, for those like us in the Northern Hemisphere, take some time to enjoy the warm weather and for the others, well, keep on scale modelling, Folks!

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The RetroTracks Chibi Sale is.. ON..!

RetroTracks Chibi Sale

Let it be known, from May 24, 2023 until (inclusive) May 31, 2023, it is 4 kits for the price of 3 (the cheaper of the four items is free) over the whole RetroTracks Chibi catalogue, including our forthcoming Medium Tank M3 conversion kit (RTE056, €20) and our Early Medium tank M3 boogies & road wheels set (RTE057, €7, including 2 complete boogies).

We welcome your wish lists via e-mail at Please include whenever possible the reference numbers of the items you wish to order, along with your postal delivery address so that we can get back to you with an offer an expected shipping time. Our website is not ‘equipped‘ to deal with this type of special offer, however any internet order received during that week with a minimum of 4 RetroTracks Chibi items will still be eligible and we will contact those people to give them the good news! Payments will be possible via Paypal or bank transfer to a bank accounts either in the UK (Sterling) or Belgium (Euros). Please note that the Medium Tank M3 conversion kit an the M3 boogies/wheels set are being cast at the moment and that this may therefore delay shipment by a few days, but we will by then have a better idea of probable time of shipment. Oh yeah.. if your wish list includes 8 items, then you get the 2 cheapest free, and so on..!

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New Ideas

We really like getting feedback about our releases, old or new. Having for over 10 years now designed cockpit detail sets for a great many 1/144 aircraft kits, we were made aware that we should have released a lot more sets of ejection seats that could be used in kits that have not, for a reason or another, received the ‘RetroWings treatment’. And so, starting next month, we will try to remedy to this situation. Talking to you Guys (and Gals!) is important to us, sometimes we do not see the obvious and those exchanges, be them face to face at shows, on Facebook or via e-mails are important to keep us meeting your expectations and demands. So, do not hesitate getting in touch with us!

The end of March 2023, as promised, brings us our latest World War Toons conversion kit, illustrated above. More of those conversions are being prepared (M75, M37, StuG III ausf.G to name but three), but we are not forgetting our other ranges and we have quite a neat series of other new products still to be released this year. So keep visiting our Facebook page to be kept abreast of what’s cooking!

So long and keep scale modelling, Folks!

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First 2023 Releases.

After a few re-releases, our first new releases of 2023 are now available from this site. We are planning a rather large number of new releases for this new year, and those should encompass most, if not all, of our ranges. We are always keen to hear what YOU would like to see RetrokiT release next, feel free to drop us a line. We have in the past met many such requests!

Show-wise, we are still only planning to attend a handful of shows during 2023, a trend that should continue in the future as time remains a limited ressource. Our calendar page is up-to-date, have a look at it!

Until the next update, then! And keep on scale modelling, Folks!

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Where does time fly??

Wow! End of May 2020 already, this year appears to fly by real quick. At this rate, we’ll soon be on the roads again, even if our schedule is rather light this year comparing to the pre-Covid years. Our first stop will be Mons, in Belgium in August, a really good show bringing in the whole array of scale modelling genres, a great outing for the whole family. RetrokiT is at the moment only scheduled to have a stand on the Sunday, but things might change and pre-orders can be picked up on the Saturday too. Details to follow.

Our new releases keep coming in (we had been VERY busy designing new patterns during the various confinements of the past two years!), new Bananaaas!, new 1/144 aircraft conversions and detail sets in particular. Lots of re-releases too, old sets that had been out of production for a while (a long while for some!!) are coming back, including the Egg Drone D-21 for the Blackbird Egg plane and the 1/144 MiG21I Analog conversion kit. We have plenty more coming in over the second half of 2022: 1/144 C-130 cockpit detail set and Mirage F.1B conversion kit, Sherman Ambutank conversion kit (Chibi), Kubelwagen (Chibi), a revised F-4 cockpit Detail Set (Chibi), the 1/144 MiG-25 two-seater conversion kit (re-release) and some more SW bits to name but a few.

So, keep coming over those pages to check our progress and remind yourself that we give a lot more info on our new patterns, new and forthcoming releases on our Facebook page.

And as always, keep on scale modelling, Folks!

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Moving into 3D-printed stuff…

Well, it had to happen! We have been long in moving in with technology (what’s wrong with scale modelling the old-fashioned way??) but we are please to announce the release of our very first Computer-Aided Design and 3D-Printed set, the latest item in our 1/35 RetroTracks range with a handful of 47mm ammo boxes meant for our 1/35 Belgian T.13 and Quat’Sept kits.

It could have been done earlier but it took a while to obtain quality prints that we were happy with. In fact, we are very pleased with those ammo boxes and albeit a ‘small step’, it is a step in the ‘right’ direction and a technology we will keep using in the future though, it must be said, we are not expecting to give up the old-fashioned way of designing patterns just yet!

This first step will soon be followed by a far more elaborate effort which will also be a departure from the past as we are expecting the release of our very first complete AFV Chibi kit – and not based on any existing plastic kit -over the next few weeks, a very cute little Kubelwagen. The kit was CA-designed but will be cast in ‘normal’ resin, the old-fashioned way, because of technological (and also financial) constraints.

In the meantime, we are continuing to re-release a number of sets that have been ‘out of production’ for a while and are also expecting 5 new kits to reach the catalogue over the following few weeks.

That’s all the news for now, Folks. Keep on scale modelling and stay safe!

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2022 is here!

Back at work after a few weeks during which little could be done. Life does not always compute well with scale modelling, at least scale modelling 24/7, and some sort of a compromise had to be reached!

Nevertheless, new items coming are coming out early this New Year, along with a handful of re-releases. There are a lots of masters awaiting behind, 2022 should be a positive year, even if Covid & Co. are not allowing us the freedom we used to have pre-2020.

If Covid allows, we do plan to attend to a handful of shows during the New Year, but it won’t be to the level of 25 to 30 shows a year as ‘before’ for sure. In the meantime, we at RetrokiT wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Thank you for your support, and keep on scale modelling!

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Small Foray into the 3D World…

With the still timid re-start of the show season, we are on the verge of releasing our first computer-aided designed kits and sets, with amongst other items, this very cute little Kubelwagen meant to complement the World War Toons (and other Chibi) kits. This is quite a departure for RetrokiT, where everything has so far been done the ‘old-fashioned way’ but we must move on with progress! We expect this Kubel to be available for the end of 2021, and some 1/35 accessories to follow soon afterwards.

In the meantime, new items keep entering (or re-entering) the various RetrokiT ranges, first with a Panther Coelian turret meant for the Meng World war Toons kits, then a 1/144 cockpit detail set for the Eduard MiG-15 UTI, a new SW Moisture Vaporators set for RetroSF,… Following the re-releases of our 1/144 Tornado cockpit detail sets, we are re-releasing long out of production Harrier cockpit detail set for the Hasegawa Egg plane kit. The MiG-21 Analog is due next for re-release, as are the 1/144 F-111 sets.

November will see us (or should see us) taking part to our third and final show of the year, in Fleurus, Belgium. We do not expect to go back to 25 to 30 shows a year afterwards, but we will still appear at shows here and there throughout 2022.

Until the next update, be safe and keep scale modelling, Folks!

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Shows at last?

The end of August should hopefully see us returning to trading at scale model shows. It’s been a long time since the last one we attended to (February 2020..!), let’s hope the few scheduled for the end of 2021 are not going to be cancelled, because we are really looking forward to seeing old friends again and share a couple or more drinks with each of them…

We are starting off with a show in Huy, Belgium, on the 28th of August. Three weeks later we will again be in Belgium, in Mol this time for the KMK show and although SMC had to be cancelled for 2021, we will have a final outing, still in Belgium, in Fleurus in November. The way things progress (or not) with the on-going Covid crisis will dictate how many shows we attend to in 2022, but it’s very likely to be far less than the 25 to 30 shows we did prior Covid.

We are pleased to finally release our (so far!) largest World war Toons conversion set, the Artilleriewagen S.SP.Pz; Meng’s contribution will be small, just the turret of a Pz III, but if you have used our conversion kits before, you might have that readily in stock..!

September (possibly late August) will see the release of 2 new World War Toons conversion kits, three new 1/144 aircraft detail sets, one RetroSF ‘SW’ set and four re-releases (sets that were out of production but that we are putting back in production).

Lots more scheduled for the last three months of the year but let’s not get too excited!

In the meantime, keep on scale modelling, Folks!

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Summer of ’21 Sale!

It’s been quite a while since our last special offer, Folks! We are pleased to announce the start of our latest sale, our 2021 summer sale:

For 10 days only (that is until July 19th, 2021, Midnight CET), get any three items for the price of two..! This is how this will work: place your order as usual via our RetrokiT website, pay in full and get refunded the price of any third item ordered (lowest priced item, that is) at the time of posting. Note that as shows are still weeks away, our stock is kept to a minimum and some time may be needed before your complete order can be shipped. We aim to ship all orders ASAP, within a week, but if a delay is needed, we will contact you and let you know. Any order should be posted within 3 to 4 weeks after receipt of the order. Postage to be charged as usual. A minimum order of 30 euros (postage not included) is required to ‘trigger‘ the special offer. All returning customers will also qualify for a little ‘extra‘, a small way of extending our gratitude for your past custom.

Note that our postage fees will need to be changed, this will be done after the end of this summer sale; the increase is the first we will implement in several years, we did not want to do it, but it’s got to be done. So take advantage of this sale to beat the postage increase that is coming later this July.

So what are you waiting for..? The sale is now ON.